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Burying trees…why are you killing them while they’re still alive?

Joe Gentile

What is proper planting height?

     Planting height is very important because it is directly associated with general health. When you plant something, a tree, a shrub etc., planting it too high or too low is so important to the long term life of the plant. You might think that “ah it’s in the ground, it’ll be fine!” but no, it won’t. So, when you get that new plant from the nursery, take it out of the pot and plant it at the level of that soil. That’s not a perfect science either, but we’ll get to that in a bit.

potted roots

What happens if a tree is planted too low?

     When planting a tree too low, the tree becomes root bound, as in the picture above, can also rot easily and simply just gets choked out. If you were buried too deep, what would happen? You’d smother yourself. The same thing happens to trees and plants installed too low.  Anddddd, what’s with all the mulch? Mulch shouldn’t ever be more than 2 to 3 inches, not 2-3 feet. Landscapers don’t care for the most part. They get a load of mulch in and just start throwing all around. They are also in many cases just there to do the work without a care in the world.

mulch mpund

 What do you do to fix the problem?

     To fix the problem, call in a Certified Arborist. DO NOT trust your landscaper to do it as they don’t know what a Root Collar Excavation is, despite what they might say. I’ve consulted with homeowners about their tree issues and they get their landscaper to do the work, and to be honest, the work isn’t up to snuff. With some simple small tools and digging and cutting, we get in there and do our best to remedy the situation. Root Collar Excavations work really well and is a very satisfying procedure as we know we are saving the trees life.

Root Collar Excavation


Who is at fault for this unhealthy planting?

     That’s not an easy answer. Everything starts at the nursery that grew the plant. If they planted improperly then guess what, the tree or plant is doomed from the start. Examine new trees and plants before they plant them for things like this and other damage like mechanical damage to the bark of branches. If they have done their job, the next possible blame goes to the installer, whether the “pro” or you the homeowner. Finally, the landscaper or lawn crew that mulches is the final possible culprit for “volcano” mulching. There are very simple rules to planting so follow them.

Proper tree planted depth

One last thing…

     Some trees come in pots and then some come B&B, Balled and Burlapped. Make sure that the string is natural and will dissolve over time or if it’s the typical nylon rope, cut it around the trunk or the tree with smother itself as if it has girdling roots. AND, if the tree is in a cage, take it off!!! That is never good for proper growth. It’s restrictive to the root development. Now that you know how to properly plant, get out there and do it. Fall is THE best time to install new plantings, so have at it.

Mature tree

*** Plant Health Organics is a 100% Organic land care company serving Central NJ and Bucks County PA. We are PROUD of the work we do and know full well that what we do is BEST for you and our world. Contact us at 908-335-0553.***  

Joe Gentile, Owner


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