What is a tick?
Ticks truly are a major pain. And you really don’t get much of a break from them, even in winter. Did you know that they are not considered true insects…they are arachnids like spiders and have a hunger for the blood of all mammals. It makes me wonder often why they exist, but everything on this planet was created for a reason, so I suppose it is what it is.

What are some of the different kinds of ticks?
There are many different kinds of ticks that exist (in the Northeast) and some of the more common ones, and I wish they weren’t common, are Brown Dog ticks or Wood ticks, Deer ticks and Lonestar ticks. As I said above, the season for ticks seems to get longer and longer, especially for deer ticks. They never go away, just get a little less mobile in winter. All ticks can cause issues ranging from simple infections if they get embedded to diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and of course, Lyme Disease. Dog ticks are fairly large, especially as compared to deer ticks. Lonestar ticks look very similar to dog ticks except they have a white dot(star) on their back, hence the “Lonestar”. Thankfully, diseases like Lyme is treatable now. When it first emerged in Lyme Connecticut in the 1980’s, there really wasn’t much you could do. That causes the disease to become chronic and sometimes disabling. The Lonestar tick is the one that “bugs” me because if infected with its saliva, it may render you allergic to red meat and anything that is associated with cows like milk. Your body naturally makes a substance to combat the tick bite, which also renders you “allergic” to steak and burgers. Horrible stuff for sure!

What can we do about ticks?
There are of course harsh chemicals that can be sprayed on your properties, but there are also All-Natural Organic options, some of which we use, and they work extremely well. Keeping your properties cleaned up; not a lot of deadwood on the ground, not a lot of leaf piles, etc., helps greatly. Ticks also like rock piles. Contrary to popular belief, ticks do not hang around in the lawn. They may travel across lawns but won’t “live” there. When you are out in the woods, be careful. Wear pants and socks and although not organic, there are insect sprays with Deet that work extremely well. Just be smart about it and don’t use it too heavily as it’s not good for you.

Should we stay inside…all year?
Of course not! Be careful where you are walking, playing etc. To live inside all the time would be crazy. Also, if deer are a problem, spray the plants that they forage on and then maybe the deer won’t hang in your yard so much and not drop the deer ticks off their bodies. Nature is a wonderous thing. There IS a reason for everything, it’s just hard to figure out sometimes. Get out and enjoy nature at its best, and even sometimes, it’s worst.
*** Plant Health Organics is a 100% Organic land care company serving Central NJ and Bucks County PA. We are PROUD of the work we do and know full well that what we do is BEST for you and our world. Contact us at 908-335-0553.***